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What to do When Someone Dies

We know there is practical advice that is needed to help you find the information you need immediately after a loved one dies. 


It is not something that we, as a community, usually talk about, and as a result, it can be a very stressful time, but on this page Solace Family Funerals have provided a guide to help you through some of the legal, financial, and practical requirements following a death. Knowing what to do can relieve some stress from an already stressful situation. Here are some of the essential steps you'll need to take when a loved one dies.

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When Someone Dies

There is practical advice that is needed to help you find the information you need immediately after a loved one dies. 


It is not something that we, as a community, usually talk about, and as a result, it can be a very stressful time, but on this page Solace Family Funerals have provided a guide to help you through some of the legal, financial, and practical requirements following a death. Knowing what to do can relieve some stress from an already stressful situation. Here are some of the essential steps you'll need to take when a loved one dies.


When your loved one dies in a hospital or nursing home, the staff will handle most of the formalities and advise you on what steps you need to take next. Most public and some private hospitals will have their own mortuary. Your loved one can be kept there until they are transferred by a funeral director. Solace Family Funerals like to pick up your loved one as a matter of priority and bring them into our care, where we continually monitor and care for them like a member of our own family. Smaller hospitals and most nursing homes are unlikely to have the facilities to care for your loved one, so it's important to decide in advance so you can arrange the transfer as soon as possible.



If your loved ones death was expected, their doctor will most likely have guided you through the steps and prepared you for what to do next. You can call the doctor's surgery if they are open to ask them to visit as soon as possible. If your loved one doesn't have a regular GP, call the police or ambulance instead. A doctor is needed to examine your loved one and issue a Cause of Death Certificate. A funeral cannot be arranged until the doctor has created this certificate. If the death is unexpected or you aren't sure if your loved one has passed, call 000 immediately, ask for an ambulance, and explain the circumstances to them. Once the paramedics arrive, they will contact either your loved one's GP or the police. If the death was unexpected, not certain, suspicious, or the person did not have a regular GP, you must call the police. In some cases, a coroner may get involved to do a post mortem and determine the cause of death. Do not be alarmed that police need to attend. This is common procedure for an unexpected death, and they will liaise with the Coroner and complete necessary paperwork.

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When an unexpected death occurs, it is typically reported to the coroner either by the police who attend the scene or by a medical professional, such as a doctor in a hospital. This may also be reported directly to the coronial registrar by a healthcare provider. Upon receiving the report, the coroner investigates the circumstances of the death to establish the following: • The identity of the deceased • The time of death • The location of death • The cause and manner of death • The medical cause of death • The coroner oversees and coordinates every step of the investigation, with police often assisting in gathering evidence. While many of the steps in the investigation occur within a few days, the entire process can take several months to complete, depending on the specific circumstances of the case. Each investigation is unique, and the length of time required to finalise it may vary. Basic Steps in a Coronial Investigation: Death Reported to the Coroner: The death is typically reported to the coroner by police at the scene or by medical professionals. The report is made using a Police Form 1 (from police) or Form 1A (from medical professionals), which provides initial details about the death. Transport to Mortuary: If necessary, the deceased is transported to a mortuary. If an autopsy or further examination is needed, the police arrange for the deceased to be taken to a government-contracted undertaker. Autopsy and Investigation: The coroner may order an autopsy to determine how and why the person died. The coroner will consider family and cultural concerns before proceeding with an internal autopsy. Family Contacted by Coronial Services: Coronial Family Services may reach out to family members, offering support through counselors or coronial nurses who will explain the death and autopsy process. Family Notification: The Coroners Court will notify the family in writing that the death is under investigation. The nominated family member will be kept updated throughout the investigation by a case manager. Release for Burial or Cremation: If a medical examination is conducted and the deceased is formally identified, the body may be released to the family for burial or cremation. Investigation by Police: The coroner may request further investigation from the police, including gathering additional statements from witnesses, obtaining medical records, or securing expert reports. The coroner has broad powers to request information from various professionals, including doctors, safety inspectors, and other relevant parties. Coroner's Enquiries: Once the coroner completes their investigation, they will determine if an inquest (public hearing) is necessary. While most investigations are concluded without an inquest, the family may request one, and the coroner will consider this in consultation with them. Coroner's Findings: After completing the investigation, the coroner will issue written findings, which will be sent to the family. These findings summarise the investigation and provide a conclusion regarding the cause and circumstances of the death.


Doctor's Interim Death Certificate vs Death Certificate

A doctor's certificate or Cause of Death is not the same as a Death Certificate. The difference is that the Death Certificate is issued by the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages in your state. The Death Certificate is the final piece of paperwork which is then used to finalise financial and estate responsibilities.

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Finalising Personal Matters


Once you have the death certificate, you can set about notifying all the institutions and places the deceased has had dealings with. This can include government departments, banks, telecommunications and utility providers, local councils, and any memberships the deceased had.


The Department of Human Services has a handy checklist of some of the more common organisations you'll need to notify.

You can also enter your loved one's details into the Australian Death Notification Service, which lets you notify multiple organisations in one go so their accounts can be closed or transferred.

You can also use this form to advise Services Australia of the death of an adult or child. They will use these details to update records with Centrelink, Medicare, and Child Support.


Removing Names from Mailing Lists

You can stop most unsolicited mail from being sent to the deceased person by registering with the Association for Data-driven Marketing and Advertising (ADMA) for the 'do not mail' service. For your convenience we have provided the link below to remove your loved one from these lists.







Social Media Accounts

Most social media sites offer a way to deactivate an account if the account owner has died, usually after they've been shown the death certificate. Facebook also lets you "memorialise" accounts if the account owner dies.

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This may be a difficult time. Remember to take care of yourself and look after your mental and physical health.

To access confidential counselling services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:

call Lifeline Australia on 131 114 or visit the Lifeline website

call Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 or visit the Beyond Blue website

call MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978 or visit the MensLine website

Call the Griefline on 1300 845 745 from 6 am to midnight AEST, 7 days a week, or visit the Griefline website.

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